Park In-bee (center) expresses her willingness to participate in the movement to spread Olympic legacy
Park In-bee
A candidate for the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Athletes’ Commission, visited the Ban Ki-moon Foundation for a Better Future on November 11 and met with Ban Ki-moon (former UN Secretary General) and Cho Hyun-jae, 섯다 President of the Korea Sports Promotion Organization (KSPO).
Park expressed her intention to continue to contribute to the international sports community as an IOC candidate and participate in the movement to spread the Olympic legacy.
Park, who was elected as the Korean candidate for IOC Athlete Commissioner last month, met with IOC Ethics Commissioner Ban and said.
“The Olympic Games are one of the most important events to realize global peace and friendship, and the unifying power of sport.”
“As a world-class golfer, Inbee Park has promoted the Republic of Korea through golf, and I hope she will continue to contribute to our country’s sports diplomacy,” 온라인섯다 Ban said.
Park also pledged to help spread the Olympic legacy. “In the future, I will support education to convey sports values to young people and strive to help them learn important values such as leadership and cooperation through sports,” Park said.
In response, Cho Hyun-jae, director of the KSPO, which manages the legacy of the Seoul Olympics, said,.
“We actively sympathize with and support Park In-bee’s campaign to spread the Olympic legacy, 카지노사이트랭크 and we will work together with the KSPO to educate and spread sports values.”
“I competed in the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics and the 2021 Tokyo Olympics because of my dream of becoming an Athletes’ Commissioner,”
Park said during her interview for the position. “I won the gold medal in Rio with the Olympic spirit, 고스톱 and now I want to share that spirit with the world and play a leading role in the ‘Olympic Movement’ (Olympic Movement).”