Soccer quarterfinals, at one point 91% cheer for China
President’s office, ruling party “need to find out the truth”
Daum “Unnecessary misunderstanding service suspended”
At the time of the soccer quarterfinal match between South Korea and China at the Hangzhou
Asian Games in China, the number of supporters for the Chinese team was overwhelmingly
higher than that of the South Korean team on the Hangzhou Asian Games support page of the
portal site Daum, causing controversy. The President’s office and the ruling party agreed on the
need to investigate the matter immediately, and the Korea Communications Commission saw
the issue as directly related to the “social responsibility of portals” and requested Daum to
submit relevant data. The National People’s Power decided to conduct a thorough verification in
this national audit. “We understand that Kakao is also considering requesting an investigation
from an investigative agency to resolve the suspicions surrounding this matter,” said a key official at the passport.
Daum said in a notice on its website on February 2, “Recently, there have been cases of abusing
the purpose of ‘click cheer’ and causing unnecessary misunderstanding, so the service will be
suspended for the time being.” Click Cheer is a service that allows anyone to easily cheer while
watching a sports event without having to log in. There is no limit to the number of times a person can cheer for the same team. 카지노사이트랭크
The incident occurred during the Asian Games soccer quarterfinals on Aug. 1. Clicks to support
China on the following cheer page accounted for 91% of all cheer clicks at one point. Even at 10
p.m. after the game, the percentage of support for China was 55%, which was higher than the
number of supporters for South Korea. At the same time, the percentage of support for China
on Naver’s support page was only 10%. Next, anyone can click to cheer without logging in, while Naver requires logging in to cheer.
Representative Park Sung-joong,
A member of the National Assembly’s Committee on Science, Technology, Information,
Broadcasting and Telecommunications, held a press conference on March 3 and said, “It can be
seen that certain Chinese forces have been involved in Korean portals.” “We can even suspect
North Korea’s involvement in bypassing Chinese Internet addresses (IPs),” he said. “We have requested the following parties to submit materials, and if necessary, we may consider conducting on-site inspections,” a key NOC official said.
An official from the presidential office also met with reporters on the same day, saying, “I understand that the public is concerned that public opinion is being distorted. There is validity to their concerns.” “If there is an attempt to influence the election by creating pro-China public opinion, it is a threat to democracy,” another presidential office official said.
Kakao declined to comment on the possibility of Chinese manipulation, saying that it was “investigating whether anything is amiss.” 섯다