Coach Ko Hee-jin’s thoughts on the game

“We had a series of unforced errors at crucial times…so the first set was actually ours.”

Head coach Go Hee-jin was full of regret.

The team lost the Dodram 2023-2024 Season V League match against Hyundai E&C at Suwon Indoor Gymnasium on Sept. 9 with a set score of 1-3.

Jupo Mega (20 points) was in poor form, with nine errors. Jia (24 points) stepped up to the plate, but the first set was a tough one, with nine of the 12 errors coming after the 16th point. It was even worse because it came at the end of deuce.

I won the second game in deuce, but dropped the third game at 21-21 after dropping four straight points. The fourth set literally fell apart.

“The players’ concentration was not good enough,” Ko summarized. As for Jia and Mega, he only said, “There are days when their attacking success rate drops.”

He added, “We have a lot of temperature differences in our performance, and today we had a lot of errors when we were trying to get into a good mood. It’s something our players are always criticized for,” he said, emphasizing that “it’s something we focus on in practice, but they have to overcome it in the end.”

“Captain” Lee So-young, who made her comeback on the day, played a little bit in sets two through four to adjust her game.

Coach Ko said, “Lee So-young is a player with great leadership. The coaching staff doesn’t need to talk to the team 토토사이트 about it.” “I’m still not as fit as I want to be. She needs time to adapt to the court before she can play full-time.”

“I hope he comes soon, but he has to be okay. The coach is just waiting. Until then, I believe Park Hye-min and Lee Sun-woo will do a good job.”

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