Samsung acting CEO Kim Hyo-beom after season-high ’42-point loss’ at home “My mistake”

“My mistake.”

The Seoul Samsung suffered a 61-103, 42-point home loss to Suwon KT in Game 4 of the 2023-24 regular season at Jamsil Indoor Stadium on Thursday.

The 42-point loss was the largest margin of defeat in the 2023-24 season. The previous record was 36 points.

Samsung didn’t have anyone else score in double figures besides Ishmael Lane (17 points, 6 rebounds). 카지노사이트 Kofi Coburn’s absence was also disappointing.

Most of all, they lost the rebounding battle. They grabbed 29 rebounds, but gave up 41 to KT. They also committed 13 miscues.

Acting Samsung head coach Kim Hyo-beom said after the game, “We lost the rebounding battle in the beginning, and our energy level dropped. That’s the loss. After the game, I told the players, ‘It was my mistake. I wrote rebounds on the board, but I should have emphasized boxing out first. Without boxing out, we couldn’t win rebounds against KT’s big lineup.”

However, at the professional level, it is impossible not to realize that a rebound is a box out. It’s true that the rebounding disadvantage Kim mentioned was a factor. However, it’s hard to understand how they lost the rebounding battle because they didn’t emphasize boxing out.

“Boxing out is something that players need to learn and make a habit of,” said Kim. It’s just a shame that we didn’t emphasize it more. In the second half, I told them to practice boxing out thoroughly. Humans are creatures of adaptation, so if you don’t practice, you’re bound to miss a lot of things.”

Coburn has yet to play in 2024 after the last game against Goyang Sono. Will he be available for the Wonju DB game two days later?

“I don’t think we’re asking Coburn to suddenly play just because we played a garbage game,” Kim said. We’ll see what happens tomorrow.” “I’m actually more worried about Lane than Coburn. He was struggling a lot earlier. For now, we will try to utilize the existing 12 players and play well in the next game.”

Finally, Kim concluded, “Our realistic goal right now is to create an elite team for Samsung. It would be great to be a chili pepper unit after the All-Star break, but first we need to win more games than in the first half and build a foundation to prepare for the next one.” “Since the days of Lee Kyu-sub, I’ve been telling our players that they’re not just playing basketball this year. They have a bright future, so I think it’s important to start laying the foundation now.”

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